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Organisation : South Africa Labour Department


Facility Name : uFiling Account Registration

Country : Soth Africa


What is uFiling?

uFiling is a secure Online system introduced to Employers to register, declare and pay UIF contributions. Employees can also use the system to apply for benefits such as unemployment, maternity and illness.

Benefits of uFiling

** uFiling is a FREE service offered by the UIF.

** UIF returns can be done simply and conveniently online.

** Other benefits include ease of secure payments (Debit Order and Credit Push via Internet Banking) and faster processing times.


** uFiling is paperless and submission of declarations are instant and reliable.

How To Register For uFiling Account?

Visit the following web address and from this home page, click on the ‘Activate my uFiling account’ button and follow the on-screen instructions.

Please ensure that you have available the following information:

For Domestic Employers:

Your valid UIF registration number, your valid 13 Digit bar-coded RSA identity number, a valid e-mail address and your banking account details from which you will pay your UIF contributions.

For Commercial Employers:

Your valid UIF registration number, your valid RSA identity number or passport number, a valid e-mail address, Your company’s official registration name and details as provided by the Registrar of Companies which is the CK1 form for CC’s and CM1 or CM3 for Proprietary Limited companies, and lastly your banking account details from which you will pay your UIF contributions.

For Practitioners:


Valid UIF registration numbers for Domestic or Employers as above, your valid 13 Digit bar-coded RSA identity number or passport number, a valid e-mail address, Your company’s official registration name and details as provided by the Registrar of Companies which is the CK1 form for CC’s and CM1 or CM3 for Proprietary Limited companies, and lastly your banking account details from which you will pay your UIF contributions.

For Foreign Domestic Employers:

Your valid UIF registration number, passport number, a valid e-mail address and your banking account details from which you will pay your UIF contributions.

For Applicants:


Your valid ID Number, a valid e-mail address and your banking account details to which payment of benefits will be made.

How To Apply For Employee Account?

To activate your Employee account you need to have the following documents and information available:

** Your valid 13 Digit South African ID number


** Your e-mail address where all correspondence will be emailed

** Cell phone number mandatory

As an online registered Employee you will be able to securely submit your Application for Benefits (for Unemployment, Reduced Time Benefits, Maternity, Illness and Adoption), to submit Continuation of Benefits and Notice of Appeal.

How To Declare & Pay?

All registered employers are required to submit employee returns as per the UIF Act. The employee returns must provide the details of all employees employed for the period in question.

In order to capture the return information, you would need the following information:

** Employer UIF Reference Number

** Employee Identification Number

** Employee Start Work Date


** Employee Salary details

** Employee period of employment

** Hours worked

** Termination date (in the event the employee is terminated)

** The termination reason (in the event the employee is terminated)

The Returns must be submitted no later than the 7th of each month for the preceding month. We encourage all employers to submit their returns online. Once you submit your returns online, you will be able to make payments using the payment functionality. SARS registered employers may still submit Returns online however may not make payments via uFiling and payment needs to be made directly to SARS.


Call : 0800030007

Email ID : uFiling AT

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