
Municipality’s Complaint Management System :

Municipality’s Complaint Management System :

Organization : Langeberg Municipality


Type of Facility : Municipality’s Complaint Management System

Location : Ashton


Municipality’s Complaint Management System

Follow the correct procedure to the municipality’s complaint management system :

What mechanism and processes exist in the Langeberg Municipality to deal with complaints regarding municipal services?

** As a progressive, developmental and service delivery focused municipality, the customer care department strongly encourage you to tell us what we need to do to improve our service.

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** The Langeberg Municipality has a 24 hour Emergency and Customer Care Call Centre (0860 88 1111)that has been in operation for more than six years now with four permanent Call Centre Operators operating on a 24-hour shift system.


** The centre deals with general enquiries and complaints essentially after-hours, on public holidays and over weekends.

** The functioning of the Call Centre aim to contribute to community liaison and improve on customer loyalty and customer satisfaction within our municipality.

** In addition to the Call Centre, the Municipal Website ( also offers the public to leave comments or complaints.

What systems are in place to follow up on complaints received?

** When receiving complaints or general enquiries from the public, the Call Centre Operator then electronically logs the caller’s details as well as the nature of the query or complaint on the customer care computer system.

** The relevant department is then informed immediately.

** Members of the public can request a customer complaint number to be able to follow up on the progress of a specific complaint.

** Website complaints are distributed and followed-up by the Office of the Municipal Manager.


** The customer care department conducted ongoing monthly surveys from which it draws a list of the top ten complaints per department, ward and town.

** Based on the identification of the top ten complaints per month, it provides an indication where problems occur in the different departments of the Municipality.

** An analysis of complaints per month is sent to the relevant managers of departments.

** The analysis of complaints per month is also forwarded to the Ward Committee Co-ordinator and the information provided assists ward committees during their respective ward based planning processes and relevant ward committee activities.


Helpdesk procedures : (helpful hints & tips)

** Often our call centre staff is asked questions about the helpdesk procedure. To clarify this we have put together a quick procedure guide:

Logging a call

** When logging a call with our call centre it is very important to provide as much information as possible to the call centre operator.

** This person will request some basic information such as your name, address, municipal account number and contact number details as well as some high level information about the nature of the problem.


** The operator will then issue you with a call log reference number.

** It is important to take note of this number and to quote it in all correspondence or telephone discussions relating to that particular request as it provides call traceability for both parties.

Call Categorization :

** The base information collected by the operator will give her more insight into the nature of your call.

** We categorise all calls logged via the Customer Care Management (CCM) system based per ward, complaint code and town.

** Once the operator has categorized the call, she will be able to direct your request to the department/directorate concerned.

Call Response Times

** Depending on the nature of a call such as fires, vehicle accidents and all other emergency calls immediate call responses are applicable.

** The response and resolution times for normal operational faults range from 8 to 24 hours depending on the severity and impact of the maintenance requests.

How is feedback provided to the complainant?


** Immediate feedback is usually offered via telephonic communication.

** However, if the complaint is an operational fault, Call Centre Operators will call complainants once the complaint has been successfully resolved.

** Client liaison is also part of our day-to-day activities and complainants are contacted only where contact numbers are available of the complainant.

What are the contact details for submitting a complaint?

Emergency Number – 0860 88 11 11

Email address – complaints AT

Fax number – 023 – 615 1563


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