
Register To Rewrite Matric Subjects (When & How to Register)

Matric Result

If you did not meet the minimum requirements or want to rewrite some of your matric subjects, you can now register to do so through the Second Chance Matric programme. Here’s what to do.


Matric Result

Anyone can apply to rewrite their Matric subjects no matter what marks you got and you also have the option of writing any of the subjects you want.

The Second Chance Matric Programme of the Department of Basic Education provides support to learners who want to rewrite subjects. It helps them to meet the requirements of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or Senior Certificate (SC) and obtain a Grade 12 Matric certificate.


Some students might not have passed and want to rewrite. Another reason for rewriting could be that you did not meet the entry requirement for University and now need to improve.

Candidates who could not sit or finish the November examination due to medical reasons, a death in the family, or another special reason, can also write the supplementary examinations. Such a candidate must provide documentary evidence of why they were not able to write in November.

See also – Matric Results – Check your NSC Results Online/Offline Methods

The following opportunities to rewrite exist:

  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) supplementary exams
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) progressed learners (learners who wrote the NSC the previous year but did not sit for all 6 subjects)
  • Part-time NSC candidates (learners who attempted the NSC examinations post-2015)

You can register online here to rewrite or visit the district office and complete a form there.

To be registered you will need to submit the following:

  • Completed registration form
  • A certified copy of your ID document or birth certificate or passport (foreign candidates)
  • Repeater candidates must attach a copy of their previous highest qualification
  • If you have you entered and wrote any other Grade 12 or equivalent examination before you will need to supply the examination numbers for those exams.

The department encourages Matrics who feel they might want to rewrite to register even if they haven’t seen their results yet or even if they won’t actually end up writing to avoid missing deadlines.


The deadline to apply to rewrite is 28 February.

For any enquiries, you can email or call at 080 020 2933. You can also find more information here.


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