
Radio Awards 2025-26 :

Radio Awards 2025-26:

Organization : Radio Awards

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Competition Name : 2025 Radio Awards

Applicable For : Open only to legal South African residents

Competition Deadline : 05 February 2025


Radio Awards

The Radio Awards honours outstanding achievements in the radio industry, and sets a benchmark for all radio stations and professionals to strive towards.

Related / Similar Contest : TPOTY Awards 2025

The Radio Awards programme is dedicated to fairness and integrity and is focused on being a credible, well-judged transparent programme that recognises exceptional and innovative excellence in South African radio.

How to Enter?

Step 1 :

Register your profile for the 2025 Radio Awards Entry system via the website. Complete the registration form by providing information in the fields provided and click submit.


Please note : If you have registered your profile in 2025, please use your same login details to access the entry system for The 2025 Radio Awards. You will not need to re-register your profile to gain access to The Radio Awards entry system.

Step 2 :

Use your registered username and password to login in to the 2025 Radio Awards Entry system. You will then be redirected to The Radio Awards dashboard. Use the toolbar on the left side to navigate your way around the entry system.

Step 3 :

Select and complete the appropriate entry form for the category you wish to enter by clicking the ‘New Entry button’ on the toolbar on the left of the screen. Complete all the fields required on the entry form, for each entry you wish to make.

Please note : The entry categories available are clearly indicated under the ‘All Entry Category’ section on the tool bar and represent each category celebrated in the 2025 Radio Awards. There will be no manual entry submissions.

Each entry has two parts – the audio and the written submission. Both are important to the judges and each should complement the other.

Written Submission :

** Your written motivation is your opportunity to “sell” your entry to the judges and to fill in any gaps.

** Make sure that your written motivation is tailored to the category criteria and ensure that the written motivation and your audio submission complement one another.


** Ensure that you submit useful background information. Judges may have no idea where your show fits in the schedule, who it is aimed at and why you did it the way you did – don’t be afraid to tell them! Give them context so that they will understand your objectives.

** You may edit your motivation right up until the entry deadline.

Audio Submission :

** The audio submission consists of a maximum of a six-minute demo/bite/montage that has to have been aired in the period 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025. The judges will stop listening to the audio after the six-minute time period.

** Please ensure you read the submission information for your chosen category. Some categories require a compilation of extracts from a range of broadcasts over the year, rather than a single broadcast.

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If you submit a single broadcast when a compilation is required, the judges may feel they don’t have enough material on which to evaluate the submission in relation to the category being entered.

** When submitting a compilation, remember that first impressions count. Ensure your audio is compulsive listening right from the very start. Its fine for any climax to come later – but the winning entry will be one the judges can’t stop listening to from the moment they press ‘play’.

** Whether it’s a compilation or a single broadcast, before you submit your audio, do take the time to listen back to it, just as hard as you know the judges will be listening. Ask a colleague to check it through, too – maybe they’ll spot something vital that you’ve missed.

Your entry is your opportunity to showcase your talent. Make sure that your entry is a strong representation of your best work.


Step 4 :

Prepare your audio in accordance with the category requirements. Each audio file needs to be uploaded online, in .mp3 format only. Only broadcast material should be included.

Please note : judges will not acknowledge the inclusion of other audio material, such as specially recorded voice links or introductions. Remember to keep it to a maximum of six-minutes.

Should you require any assistance, please contact Phila at NkanunuP [AT] or use the support facility on the entry system.

Important Dates

** 10 December 2025 – Entries open

** 20 January 2025 – My Station Competitions open

** 05 February 2025 – 2025 Entries close

** 16 February 2025 – Station Managers Choice nominations open

** 14 May 2025 – Virtual Winners Announcement


1. Can I include work broadcast in December 2025 in my entry?


No, the awards must consist of material that is broadcast between 1 January 2025 and 31 December 2025.

2. Do I include jingles, songs and music in my entry?

No, you can demonstrate the intro and the back announce/outro, but please eliminate the song/s.

3. I want to give a few examples of broadcasts that took place over several days. Can I do this?

Please remember that there are duration restrictions on audio submissions. You need to attempt to submit your best work in as succinct a manner as possible.

4. As independent producers, we wish to submit some of the work that we have done for stations around the country. Can we include the work that we have done as a montage of several stations, or must we submit these individually?

You need to submit each station’s production work individually. You will need to ensure that you have the permission of the station to submit the entry.

5. Will the judges have listened to my programme aside from my audio submission?

A The judges will only evaluate the material entered and submitted for adjudication. It is not feasible for judges to listen to all programmes and presenters.


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