Advertisements World Skills Competition : Higher Education and Training World Skills Competition : Higher Education and Training

Organization : Higher Education and Training – DHET


Competition Name : World Skills Competition

Applicable For : South African Citizen

Competition Deadline : 14 to 16 February

Website : worldskillssa [dot] dhet [dot] gov [dot] za

World Skills Competition :

** The Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training (DHET), Mr Mduduzi Manana will lead his Department, in partnership with World Skills South Africa, in hosting the Second World Skills South Africa Competition at the Durban International Convention Centre (Durban ICC), from the 13th –the 17th of February 2022.

Related : University of Pretoria National Schools Moot Court Competition 2022 :

** In excess of 80 participants from public TVET Colleges, Private Colleges, Universities of Technology and industry will compete in 22 skills areas

** The public, especially young people are invited to visit the Durban Exhibition Centre from 14 to 16 February between 09h:00 and 16h:00 to witness the skills on display.

** “It is cool to be a 21st century artisan”


** South Africa aims to add 5 new skills every time we compete.

Skill Areas :

** The following 19 skill areas will be platformed by the finest South African competitors – all of whom beat their peers in the national competition held earlier this year in Cape Town.

** They will be pitted against competitors from 74 countries across the globe in Brazil in August 2015.

** Motor vehicle body repairers repair and restore damaged motor vehicle body parts

** and interior finishing; repaint body surfaces; and repair and/or replace automotive glass.

** The use of computerised and electronically-controlled systems** is now an important aspect of a motor vehicle body repairer’s job.

** They are employed by automobile dealerships, automobile body repair shops and automobile appraisal centres.

Mobile Robotics :


** Mobile Robotics Technicians assemble, set-up, manage and maintain mechanical systems within a mobile robot as well as install, operate and trouble shoot mobile robot control systems.

They must also be able to :

** Solve logic problems

** Carry out mobile robot system design


** Assemble a mobile robot according to manufacturer’s documentation

** Design a mobile robot control program

** Connect a mobile robot to its control system

** Commission a mobile robot to carry out its correct function to solve a series of practical operational problems


** Interpret hardcopy and/or electronic forms of manufacturer’s technical documents

Why Are Skill Competitions So Important?

** Training,qualifying and competing in the WorldSkills Competition equals 4-5 years of professional training.

** Builds character, confidence, commitment, and self-esteem.

** Helps align and increase the quality of the required standards in vocational and education training systems.

** Helps benchmark the educational training system against industry, public demand, and across borders.

** The challenge of a competition brings fun and exciting elements into teaching and training.

** Provides the validation that mastery of a skill requires practical learning and training over time.

** Raise quality, promote professional development,and drive improvements in vocational training.


** WorldSkills offers the infrastructure and competition experience to engage with a number of target groups, from students in grade school and secondary school to youth, governments, and educators.

** No. of skills represented: more than 45

** No. of Member countries/regions: more than 72 (representing more than 70% of the world’s population)

** 32 new Member countries/regions since 2005

** Since the 2003 WorldSkills Competition we have had:

** A combined 992,000 people visit the Competitions

** A combined 4,931 Competitors at the global level


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