Clearly, there has been lots of confusion regarding the SAPS Application Forms. This is because the South African Police Service has different categories of application for its traineeship programs.

If you are interested in securing a career at the South African Police Service (SAPS), you must have sufficient information to submit your application form for SAPS opportunities.
SAPS vacancies are advertised through NewsPapers, their official website, and more. Luckily, this job doesn’t require a diploma or degree, but you do need to have passed the Matric standard, compulsory subjects – English, Afrikaans/ isiZulu/ isiXhosa, Mathematics/ Mathematical Literacy and Life Orientation.
SAPS Application Form
The following are the different application forms for positions at the South African Police Service (SAPS) 2023. You can download the SAPS Application Forms on this page in pdf and doc format.
SAPS Application From
This Application Form can be used to apply for any advertised post at the South African Police Service.
SAPS Revervist (Volunteer) Application From
An appointment as a Reservist in the South African Police Service does not reserve any right or expectation to be translated, absorbed or appointed as an employee of the South Africa Police; or preferential treatment (of whatsoever nature) for consideration to be appointed as an employee of the South Africa Police Service. Should any Reservist wish to become an employee or a permanently employed member of SAPS, the prescribed selection and appointment process of the South African Police Service will be followed.
SAPS Re-Enlistment Application Form
This application form is only for purposes of re-enlistment process.
I would be honored to be a police man one day
I was surfing the internet when i saw these comments, so incase someone else will come to this site in future, SAPS applications usually open from 1st to 30th of June every year. Military applications usually open on February 1st till 28th.
Hi I would like to work in the force department. If I may ask where can I get the application forms I’m doing grade 12 this year and I’m 18 years old
they open on June every year
Hello when will the application form for 2022 be out
Any application form for 2022 I need to apply
I finished my GRD 12 2014 I have been called for tests for the last 4 years I really need to be a Police women
I Failed matric does it possible for me to apply trainee SAPS 2022 to 2023 form
i passed matric 2014 i have been applying for saps posts 2019 i did not get my results but i wont stop i would still love to apply again
Hi I’m doing my matric now …Nd I would love to have forms for the SAPS application 🙏
I passed my matric in 2021 i would like to join
I would like to join the SAPS. I passed my Grade 12 in 2021.
I have passed my Grade 12 in 2021. I would like to join the police force.
I go by the name of Nelisiwe .I will like to aprotect and save my doing grade 12 this year .so I want forms so that I can where can I get thm
I am currently in Grade12 and I want to appy for next year I want to be a police women I will do my LC after writing my final exam I need your help call me on 0618590308 AMANDA TSENTSE LIVE AT TOKOZA THANKS
I love to apply
I finished school 2014 I tried all my best to be a cop,now My fear is that am close to 30 years. That means my career will me good people
Im nomusa gumede i need job please
I completed NQF LEVEL 4 in safety in society in 2015
I didn’t even word I did worked based exposer I don’t have money to further my studies
0735615954 or 0829714557
for any assistance
I’m interested for being a police officer for my country. I passed my Grade 12. Please call me on 071 286 4787/072 023 2295
i want saps application to apply
Are SAPS application forms out for 2022?
Can you give a indication of when the 2022 re-inlistmant application forms will be available?
Can you please give a indication of when the 2022 re-inlistment application form will be available pls?
Please let me know if the application form are out
SAPS Forms Please 🥺
i once attended saps selection 2007 as a former soldier and former police reservistin three different places passed fitness test however for three different selection in a row i am told i failed psychometric test, how possible and the test was written in pencil not pen, one of my neigbours told me his friend in the saps has organised deal for him because people dnt fail because they have failed, you write test for someone of their own not knowing that’s why they use pencil. saps selection is corrupted same as that of ekurhuleni metropolice. only those fortunate enough pass without hassles.
I’m finishing grade 12 last year,so I want to apply,where can I do that,and application form for this year will open when?
Hi I need to join for SAPS volunteer I’m currently grade 12 I need some application form for 2022
I want a SAPS application form 2 sign in on line internet
I’d like to apply for this job ..where can I get the form
Application saps request
Can I have application form for re-enlistment 2022/2023
When will the reservist forms be available? Or even the Trainee forms?
16 August 2022
I’m also waiting for Reservist Forms please if even you find something let me know.
My name is buhle mtshabe and I do have all the qualifications I really need this job and also committed…. Where can I apply for the job
I’m 30 years of age I’m living in PE looking for a job in SAPS
I am 32 years of age looking for a cleaning job around Limpopo at SAPS
Hi is there any form for 2030 I want to apply
Hi I like to be a police woman one day it my dream
Am Mojalefa Matjila from Pretoria Soshanguve am 25 years old .,I want to CID police man as my dream if anyone of Department of police station help me I will be able to represent my country
im currently want work as a police office .im passionate person and huble i really need this job
I would love to serve my country can any one let me know how to apply ….0762444595
Is it possible to do an online application?
How please 🙏 help me out
Hi. We want to apply
Any application form in Gauteng and North west?
I do have SAPS qualifications but i can’t find any job opportunity,when do they hire
SAPS training forms please
I like to do this and I like to protect community
I would like to apply .
I would also like to apply
I would like to apply, when is the closing date for the 2022 SAPS intake?
Yes , Me Hugh-Reece Tobin Would like to apply for SAPS for 2022
I would like to apply
When is the closing date ?
I’m interested
Hi would like to to apply for reservest when will open for 2022 application form
I have metric certificate so I would like to apply for SAPS
I wish to work as a police. Is my dream to save my country
Am currently doing grade 12 now
I want to know when Will the 2022 application form be open
When will the application form of 2022 get to open?
Me too here, I would like to apply
Saps training form 2022
I would like to apply saps tshwane academy, where can I find the application forms
Saps application form
I would like to apply
I want to be an Police Officer but I’m have no lucky.
I was trying for so long to be a police officer. Can I have a advise what I have to do now. Really wants and willing too
In 2017 I applied for SAPS , I WROTE PSYCHOMETRIC TEST I PASSED AND I WENT FOR PHYSICAL training I passed and the took my finger print to prove that I don’t have criminal record but since there they never called again so I won’t who is a police now on my behalf because maybe they erased my name and put someone when I try to make research some people from the stations tell me to keep quite coz they will kill me , I wonder what happening
when will the 2022 application forms be available.
Hi, where can i find applications form i have been trying to apply for 2022
As its August , is there any post that is out already or we have to wait for next year
How can I apply
where can i apply
where can i apply
I’m currently in grade 12,I’d like to apply
When will the application form of saps open for 2020
Good evening can I get 2021/2022 re-enlistment forms for saps
Hi. I’m currently in grade 12 and i want to know when will the SAPS training application form will be out … Please inform me ASAP
When is the intake of police.inform me when the form are out
I want to know when the saps application forms will be available
I want a application form for 2022
I want saps application form to apply
Can you send me application form for security fost as advertising 2022
When will the applications for 2022 be open
Hi, where can i get the application form for 2021 to 2022 SAPS
I am currently in grade 12 and want to know when I can or must to apply
I’m currently doing grade 12 .I want to know when will the application form for 2022 open
i want an application form for 2022
I need to be a cop
Hi am a grade 12 learner and I’d like to become a cop
Application form for next year will be open wen
A job application
I am currently in Grd.12 and want to apply . When can I do that ?