
NWK Retail #MyCountryMyPeople Photo Competition : My Country My People

NWK Retail #MyCountryMyPeople Photo Competition : My Country My People

Organization : NWK Limited


Competition Name : #MyCountryMyPeople Photo Competition – My Country My People

Applicable For : Only amateur photographers

Competition Deadline : 31 January 2022

Prize : R1000 Voucher


NWK Retail Photo Competition

** What do you think of when you see this theme? A waving green field of corn?

** Mom and daughter busy baking cookies? Blue wildebeest galloping across the plains?


Related : Indlovu River Lodge Amateur Wildlife And Birding Photography Competition :

** A sunrise over the ocean? Now is your chance to partake in the #MyCountryMyPeople photo competition for 2022

** The competition runs from 1 January 2022 to 31 January 2022.

** Three winners will be chosen by a panel of judges – one in each of three categories (themes),namely #farmlife, #landscapes and #households.

What Can You Win :

** The winner in each of the three categories will receive a NWK Retail voucher to the value of R1000

Rules :


** Only amateur photographers (people who do not make a living from photography) may enter the competition.

** Participants may enter a maximum of ten photographs per category.

** If more than ten photos are entered, only the first ten will be taken into account for the competition.


** Only entries and photos loaded onto NWK Retail’s Facebook profile at will be considered.

** Participants have to upload the photos before the cut-off time at 24:00 on 31 January 2022.

** Entries received after this cut-off time will not be considered.


** A participant can only be a winner in one of the three categories.

** Photos entered may not have been published before.

** Entries must depict one of the three themes and participants must use #farmlife, #landscapes or #households when the photos are uploaded to indicate the category.

** A panel consisting of a professional photographer as well as representatives from NWK Retail and NWK Limited will judge the photos.

** Digitally manipulated photos (where changes have been made) will not be accepted.

** To crop a photo is not regarded as manipulation.

** NWK Limited reserves the right not to accept photos that are unclear or that do not comply with the competition rules.


** All entries become the property of NWK Limited.

** The photo entries will be stored in a data bank by NWK Limited and NWK Limited may use it for future promotional, marketing and publication purposes.

** By entering the participant agrees to this and no claims from third parties for violation of copyright may be submitted.

** Prizes are not exchangeable, negotiable or transferable.

** The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

** Winners in each category will be announced on the NWK Retail as well as NWK Limited Facebook pages


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