
ISFAP Bursary For Engineering Students 2022 Is Open

ISFAP Bursary For Engineering Students 2021 Is Open. ISFAP provides bursaries to students who fall under the Missing Middle category. They are now calling for Engineering students to apply to receive funding through them.



Are you an Engineering student and you form part of the missing middle? Are you still looking for funding? ISFAP wants to hear from you and they will see if they can help!


  • South African citizen
  • Registered for First Year Engineering students (3 or 4 year degree period) at Wits, UJ, UP, CUT, NMU studying one of the following degrees:
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Industrial Engineering
    • Mechatronics Engineering
    • Electronics Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
  • Have NO funding and are in need of Funding for your studies (NSFAS funded students not accepted)
  • Family Household income not higher than R600 000 per annum

If you meet all of the above criteria please send us the following details to

  • Name & Surname
  • Email Address
  • Proof of household income
  • Certified Matric Statement
  • Certified ID Document.
  • Certified Proof of Registration for 2021

The Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP) provides funding in the form of bursaries to students who fall under the Missing Middle category. Missing middle refers to those students who are considered as too rich to qualify for NSFAS funding but too poor to pay for their fees for themselves.

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