Advertisements Application for License as Business Rescue Practitioner : Companies & Intellectual Property Commission Application for License as Business Rescue Practitioner : Companies & Intellectual Property Commission

Organisation : Companies and Intellectual Property Commission


Type of Facility : Application for License as Business Rescue Practitioner

Head Office : Pretoria


CIPC License Business Rescue Practitioner Application

** A person may be appointed as a business rescue practitioner of a company only if that person is a member in good standing of a legal, accounting or business management profession.

Related / Similar Facility : CAO Login Check My Application

** A conditional license as a business rescue practioner will only be issued to a person who has been nominated by a company that is financially distressed.

To apply for a license as a business rescue practitioner, follow these steps :

Register as a Customer :


** To view information on how to register as a customer, click here.

** If you are already registered as a customer, and know your customer code and password, proceed to step 2.

Deposit funds

** Deposit R500 into the CIPC bank account.

** For the bank account details, here.

** Use your customer code as reference when depositing money into the CIPC bank account.

Apply for a license as business rescue practitioner :


** Print and complete form Cor126.1

** Scan and e-mail the completed and signed documents together with supporting information to businessrescue AT

Documents to be submitted

** COR126.1 Form (duly completed dated and signed).

** Proof of filing fee of R500;


** Customer Code (clearly indicated on the top right hand corner of the form).

** Certified copies of suitable educational qualifications.

** A comprehensive résumé (CV) containing full and detailed particulars of the applicant’s history and relevant practical experience working in a distressed business environment and demonstrating relevant turn around experience.

** Registration number/s that reflects membership of relevant professional body or bodies.


** Supporting documentation to substantiate the factual information in respect of the history and relevant practical experience, (provide references).

** Certified valid TAX clearance certificate (individual).

A declaration/ Sworn statement in terms of Section 138 stating that the applicant :

a. Is not subject to an order of probation in terms of section 162 (7);

b. Would not be disqualified from acting as a director of the company in terms of section 69 (8);

c. Does not have any relationship with the company requesting Business Rescue;

d. Is not related to a person who has a relationship with anyone of the company.


** The applicant must adhere to the concurrent application of Section 5(6) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 as amended, in case of a listed entities.

** The applicant must state if he/she has ever been refused a license before, or membership of a professional body, (if so provide reasons).

** Certified ID or passport copy of the applicant.

** Contact details containing e-mail address and cell phone number.

Contact Address

PO Box 429




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