
Apply For Admission at a Mental Institution : Department of Home Affairs

Apply For Admission at a Mental Institution : Department of Home Affairs

Organization : Department of Home Affairs


Head Quarters: Gauteng

Facility : Apply For Admission at a Mental Institution


DHS Admission To a Mental Health Institution

About admission into a mental health institution by consent :

** If you have a mental condition, you may be admitted into a public mental health institution.

** There are many different mental health problems with different symptoms.

Related : Department of Home Affairs Register a Birth :

** Some are more serious than others in the way they affect the individual, family and community.


** The causes of mental health problems differ, but generally they are a combination of biological, psychological and social reasons.

Only a spouse, next of kin, partner, associate, parent or guardian of a mental healthcare user may make an application, but where the :

** user is below the age of 18 years on the date of the application, the application must be made by the parent or guardian of the user

** spouse, next of kin, partner, associate, parent or guardian of the user is unwilling, incapable or not available to make such an application, the application may be made by a healthcare provider.

What you should do

** Go to a doctor or a clinical psychiatrist.


The doctor will :

** assess and examine you

** give you a referral letter.

** Apply for admission at a mental institution,


Submit :

** a referral letter

** your written consent.


** copy of your identity document (ID).

Note :

** If your mental condition is regarded as a threat to society, a court can order you to be commited to a mental institution with or without your consent.

How long does it take :

** You may be admitted as soon as a bed is available.

How much does it cost

** The cost for the service depends on two conditions.


** Where a patient is admitted involuntarily, that is, the person is so sick that they need medical attention without their consent, the service is free.

** Were a patient voluntarily consents and request the service, they are liable for payment in terms of the Uniform Patient Fees Schedule.

Forms to complete :

** Application forms are available from public or private clinic.

Who to contact :

** Mental Health Information Line – 0800 567 567


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