
University of Fort Hare Application Status :

University of Fort Hare Application Status :

Name of the Organization : University of Fort Hare


Status of Facility : Check Application Status

Head Office : Fort Hare

Check Status

How To Check University of Fort Hare Application Status?

Just follow the below steps to check University of Fort Hare application status

Related / Similar Facility :

UFH Online Application 2022

UFH Online Application Checklist

If you want to check status go to home page click Application Status link


Step 1 : Choose Area of Study

Step 2 : Choose Concentration

Step 3 : Enter Zip code

Step 4 : Click Continue Button to get your Status

** Information about University of Fort Hare application status, as well as practice test questions, and career training courses.


** As the admission’s office has to analyze a large number of applications, your goal is to stand out in a good way.

** Keep your application brief, and stick to the point when answering questions.

** Search on Google for professional resume writing tips, as if you were applying for a job interview, and write your college app in the same style.

** Depending on the schools you’re applying to, the admissions process can range from a simple formula that weighs grades and test scores, to a subjective review of your whole application.


** Colleges look for patterns in both grades and test scores. High grades combined with low test scores may suggest a hard-working student, but high test scores with low grades may suggest a smart, but lazy student.

** It’s optimal to attempt the hardest courses that your high school offers, and the worst thing you can do is to drop a hard course just because you’re receiving a low grade.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on NSFAS


Will I receive a loan or a bursary in 2018 as a returning NSFAS qualifying student?

In line with the President’s statement, if you are a continuing student in 2018 and were funded by NSFAS in 2017 or earlier, your 2018 NSFAS allocation will now be awarded as a bursary. This NSFAS allocation will not have to be repaid.

As a NSFAS qualifying returning student, do I have to pay a registration/upfront fee to the university?

You do not need to pay a registration/upfront fee. An arrangement has been made with universities to allow you to register. Your registration/upfront fee will be covered by your NSFAS package.

I am a continuing student at a university and have applied to NSFAS for the first time in 2018. Will I be considered for financial aid for the 2018 academic year even though I am not a first time entrant?

Yes, you will be considered for financial aid funding, provided you meet the pre-2018 NSFAS’s academic and financial eligibility requirements.


As a continuing student your combined household income threshold will be assessed in terms of the 2017 NSFAS DHET general fund criteria (i.e. up to R122 000 per annum).

I am a continuing NSFAS qualifying student in 2018 and have university debt. Can I apply to NSFAS for a grant to settle my university debt?

Your university debt will be dealt with as part of the process described in question 2.

I graduated in 2016 and have NSFAS debt. Will my NSFAS debt be written off or converted into a grant?

Your situation will be dealt with as part of the process described in question 2.


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