
Tiger Brands Morvite Schools Pack Collection Competition :

Tiger Brands Morvite Schools Pack Collection Competition :

Organization : Tiger Brands


Competition Name : Morvite Schools Pack Collection Competition

Applicable For : Open to permanent residents and citizens of South Africa

Competition Deadline : 30th September 2022

Prize : R50 000 PLUS Handover event to the value of R15 000



Morvite Schools Pack Collection Competition :

1. This competition starts on 5th June 2022 and closes on 30th September 2022 No late entries will be accepted.

Related : Tiger Brands Mnanti Loyalty Competition :

2. The Morvite Schools Pack Collection competition is open only the selected schools in the 3 (three) South African Provinces :

I. Gauteng

II. North West

III. KwaZulu – Natal

3. No director, employee, agent or consultant of the Tiger Brands Group of Companies, or their spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members, or the supplier of goods and services in connection with this competition may participate in this competition.

4. To enter this competition selected participating schools must atleast collected 3 (three) Morvite empty bags per learner as per the schools 2022 enrolment i.e. – 500 leaners x 3 packs per leaner to qualify for the competition.


5. The promoter is not liable for the failure of any technical element relating to this promotional competition that may result in an entry not being successfully submitted.

6. Entries which are unclear, illegible or contain errors will be declared invalid.

7. The prizes are a share R100 000.

8. Share split :

1st Prize – R50 000 PLUS Handover event to the value of R15 000

2nd Prize – R20 000 PLUS Morvite branded water bottles

3rd Prize – R15 000 PLUS Morvite branded water bottles


4th Prize – R10 000

5th Prize – R5 000

9. The promoter reserves the right to substitute any prize with another prize of similar commercial value in the event of circumstances beyond its reasonable control.

10. Winning Schools will not receive prize in cash money/ Chaque nor EFT



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