TEK-MATION Training Institute is a Private College in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. All the latest news and vital information about the TEK-MATION Training Institute can be found on this page.
TEK-MATION Training Institute
- Registration Number: 2011/FE07/078
- Institution Location: KwaZulu-Natal
- Qualification Types: FET Certificate, National Certificate
- Type of education institution: Private College
TEK-MATION Training Institute aims to be the leading provider of excellent education, training and skills development. They offer a variety of courses including short courses and basic skills programmes. Apprenticeships and learnerships are awarded to deserving students who are hard working and determined.
TEK-MATION Training Institute Qualifications offered
- Engineering Trade
- Engineering Academic Studies
- Trade Test (ARPL)
- Customized Engineering Trading
- Short Courses / Skilled Programmes
TEK-MATION Training Institute Fees:
Contact the campus for information regarding fees.
TEK-MATION Training Institute Applications:
Contact the campus for information regarding the application process.
TEK-MATION Training Institute Website