
Strike it Lucky Under the Lid Promotion :

Strike it Lucky Under the Lid Promotion :

Organization : Lucky Star Ltd


Competition Name : Strike it Lucky Under the Lid Promotion

Applicable For : Permanently reside in the Republic of South Africa

Competition Deadline : 31 August 2022

Prize : 4.1 20 x R50 000



Strike it Lucky Under the Lid Promotion

** This is a promotional competition called Strike it Lucky: Under the Lid Promotion (“Competition”) conducted by Lucky Star Ltd (Registration Number: 1946/022718/06) of 8th Floor, Oceana House, 25 Jan Smuts Street, Foreshore, Cape Town ( “Promoter”).

Related / Similar Contest Lucky Star Women’s Month Campaign 2020

** Except for those participants described in clause 9 below, the Competition is open to individuals who are currently residing in South Africa who have a valid identity number / passport / refugee documents and who are 18 years or older with a bank account.

** To enter the competition, and stand a chance to win their share of R2 million, consumers are required to:

3.1 purchase one or more cans of Lucky Star Pilchards;

3.2 check under the lid to see if they have won;

3.3 using a cell phone, sms “LUCKY STAR”, to the number inside the lid of the can;


3.4 the lid of the winning Lucky Star can must be retained as proof of purchase.

3.5 the consumer will receive an sms within 24 hours to confirm receipt of their sms.

3.6 the consumer will receive a phone call within 14 business days to the cell number from which the sms was received, to verify their entry, prize and to advise how the prize can be redeemed.

3.7 SMS cost R1.00 across all networks.

* Prizes, consist of: 4.1 20 x R50 000, 2000 x R500

** Payment of the R500 will be via Shoprite Direct sent to the winners’ cell phones; Payment will be made within 30 days.


** Prizes valued at R50 000 will be paid by cheque to be given at a handover ceremony arranged by the Promoter.

** The competition opens on 16 June 2022 and closes at midnight on 31 August 2022. Prizes can be claimed until 31 December 2022.

** Winners will be contacted via cell phone and names will be published on the Promoter’s website ( as well as via various radio stations and the Promotor’s social media pages as soon as winners have been identified, up to 31 December 2022



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