Advertisements Buy & Win Competition : Pioneer Foods Groceries Buy & Win Competition : Pioneer Foods Groceries

Organization : Pioneer Foods Groceries & Shell


Competition Name : Buy & Win Competition

Applicable For : Residents of South Africa

Competition Deadline : 5th of February 2022

Prize : Fruit Bouncy Ball



Guideline :


Buy & Win Competition :

Terms and Conditions for promotions :

** This Promotional Competition is organized by Pioneer Foods Groceries (collectively “the Promoters”).

** The Promotional Competition commences on 9th of January 2022 and ends on 5th of February 2022 both days inclusive (“Period”).

Related : Shell Downstream South Africa PESSO Marketing Promotion :

** To qualify as an entrant or participant to the Competition you must be a citizen or permanent resident of South Africa, in possession of a valid South African Identity Document and/or passport, and must be 18 (Eighteen) years or older at the date on which you enter the Promotional Competition or, if a minor, you must be assisted to the extent necessary by a parent and/or a legal guardian.

** Employees, directors, members, partners, agents or consultants or the supplier of goods and services in connection with this Promotional Competition or any person(s) who, directly or indirectly, controls or is controlled by the Promoters and/or immediate family members of any employee, director, member, partner, agent or consultant of or person(s) who is, directly or indirectly, in control or controlled by the Promoters, their advertising agencies, advisers, dealers, suppliers identified by the trademarks owned designated suppliers /or associated companies are not eligible to participate in this Competition (“Disqualified Persons”).


To enter the Promotional Competition, participants must purchase;

** Buy any 250ml Liqui – Fruit and, 40g/50g Safari To Go Snack Pack and Funky Fruit Stick at R19.90. (“Participating Products”) at any participating SHELL Select stores and receive a free Liqui – Fruit Bouncy Ball while stocks last.

** This Promotional Competition is not dependant on the purchase of any petroleum products.

Prizes :

** Buy any 250ml Liqui – Fruit and, 40g/50g Safari To Go Snack Pack and Funky Fruit Stick and receive a free Liqui – Fruit Bouncy Ball

** Instant prize consists of a Liqui-Fruit bouncy ball


** Prizes are not transferable. No Cash or alternatives will be offered for the prize in a whole or part

** The participants will accept the prize at their own risk. In the event of unforeseen circumstances the promoters reserves the right to substitute the prize with the same or greater value

** Prize available while stocks lasts

Any prize queries may be directed to : Pioneer Foods Groceries, consumer services division, 0860 221 102



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