
Sealy 50Th Birthday Bash Competition

Sealy 50Th Birthday Bash Competition

Organization : Sealy & Bravo Group


Competition Name : Sealy 50Th Birthday Bash

Applicable For : Open to permanent residents and citizens of South Africa

Competition Deadline : 30 September 2022

Prize : R50 000 Cash Prize

Website :

Sealy 50Th Birthday Bash Competition :

How To Enter :


Buy :

** Purchase a SEALY bed.

Related : Clicks Retailers ThreshHold Competition :


** SMS 33115, the word BIRTHDAY, store, branch and invoice number OR enter at

Enjoy :

** Sit back and wait for your name to be drawn at the end of the promotion!

Terms and conditions :

1. Purchase a SEALY bed.


2. SMS 33115, the word BIRTHDAY, store, branch and invoice number OR enter at

3. One draw when competition closes 30 September 2022.

4. 5 customers will each win a cash prize to the value of R50 000 each, to be paid in South African Rands.

5. SMS’s are charged at R1.50. Free and bundled SMS’s do not apply.

6. You may enter multiple times. However, draw entries will be restricted to one entry per invoice.

7. Customers will be drawn, validated by the retailer and contacted either by the retailer or Sealy, on the entry draw date at the end of the promotion. Sealy and the retailer will use every reasonable effort to contact the winners telephonically. If Sealy and the retailer are unable to contact a prize-winner after reasonable efforts to do so, that person’s right to the prize will be deemed to have been waived and the prize will be forfeited. Sealy reserves the right to award the prize to the next randomly drawn participant.

8. This competition is not open to the employees of Bravo Group Sleep Products or their families. Nor is it open to their advertising agencies, life partners, members, agents or consultants of Bravo Group.

9. In order to participate without the consent of a legal guardian, participants must be 18 years or older.


10. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

11. Sealy may refuse to award the prize if the entry procedures or these terms and conditions have not been adhered to or if it detects any irregularities or fraudulent practices.

12. If required, as a result of changes in legislation, Bravo Group Sleep Products shall have the right to terminate this promotion immediately and without notice. In the event of such termination, all participants agree to waive any rights that they may have in terms of this promotion and acknowledge that they will have no recourse against Bravo Group Sleep Products, its agents and promoters.

13. Bravo Group Sleep Products cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions and/or technical failures throughout this promotion.

14. Salesperson is required to be employed at the specified retailer at the time of the draw. Only fully paid lay-by contracts will be eligible for entry into the competition.



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