Advertisements Valentines Day Marketing : Magnetic Nail Academy

Name of the Organization : Magnetic Nail Academy


Type of Facility : Valentines Day Marketing

Location : Alberton


Magnetic NA Valentines Day Marketing for Nail Technicians

Market # 1 : Male Clients

** Don’t just market to the women on your database. If you want real results, you want to market to the men in your customers lives.

Related : SA Florist How to Send a Hint Valentine’s Day Gift :

Here’s why, men traditionally spend more than women do on Valentine’s Day and they usually have no idea what to buy their Lady.


Market # 2 : Female Clients

** Every woman wants to look beautiful every day of the year, and even more so on Valentines day! Women don’t only spend their own money, they also have access to their man’s credit card. Woman are usually more romantic than men and they tend to think about others more than themselves. They are looking for something different for the man in their life, but they also need to look good on the day.

Market #3 : Married Clients

** Any married man who forgets Valentines Day, or who forgets to give his wife a Valentines Day gift is dead meat. That’s why I have created a Ready-Made Advert for you to send out to all the married men on your database. I will be releasing it next Tuesday in the Members Marketing Store

Market # 4 : Single Clients

** Don’t forget the singles. Not everyone of your customers is married or in a relationship. Send them an Anti-Valentines Day promotion. I will be releasing a template specifically for single clients next Tuesday in the Members Marketing Store


Market # 5 : Loyal Customers

** On the day, make sure that you send out a Valentines Day eCard to every customer on your database thanking them for their loyal support. Don’t be cheesy, make it sincere and genuine. Don’t include a special offer in the eCard. Just thank them sincerely for their loyalty and support.

Practical ideas on creating your Valentines Day Marketing :


** Work with the theme, but try and be a little unexpected. It is a known fact that the market is saturated with Nail and Beauty Businesses and they are all saying the same boring stuff in all of their adverts, particularly on Valentine’s Day.

** Everyone and their cousin will be talking about “pampering the one you love” and sending out emails with hearts, cupids and roses on them.

** Be different – you’ll want to make sure that your emails, SMS’s, Social Media and print media marketing stands out of the crowd.


** Stay away from cheesy cliches like, “Celebrate the month of love…” In short, don’t copy your competition.

** Promote Gift Vouchers like Crazy. Vouchers are extremely easy to sell at this time of the year, specially for guys who don’t know what to get their ladies.

** But, make sure that your Valentine’s Day Gift Vouchers and Special Offers are valid for the whole of February.

** Most of your clients won’t be able to come in for their service on the 14th.

** Use email subject lines like, “always the perfect gift” or “for the woman who knows what she wants – even when you don’t”

** Gift guides make shopping easy – Send an email marketing campaign with gift ideas by price point for him and her.

** When you send an email, always include a call-to-action button that encourages your readers to Buy Now.


** Without exception, every-one of the Ready-Made, Done for you gift guides in the Marketing Store have call to action buttons in them.

** Don’t forget the singles! Obviously, not everyone has a significant other.

** The singles among your client base may well be sick of all the talk of love and romance.

** Cater to them by way of a romance-free shopping even.

** Google “Anti-Valentines Day” and you will quickly find a load of great ideas for marketing to singles.


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