Advertisements Have a Light Moment Promotion : Hot Dog Cafe Have a Light Moment Promotion : Hot Dog Cafe

Organization : Hot Dog Cafe (Pty) Limited


Competition Name : Have a Light Moment Promotion

Applicable For : Open to legal residents of South Africa

Competition Deadline : 18 June 2022

Prize : Coca Cola Branded Fridge and 12 cases of Coke cool drinks



Download Terms & Conditions

Have a Light Moment Promotion :

Terms and Conditions :

** The promotion is conducted by Hot Dog Cafe (Pty) Limited (Registration Number: 2001/013907/07) [“the Promoter”].

Related : Nestlé Nescafe Cappuccino Discover the Flavours Competition :

1. This promotion is open to legal residents of South Africa, aged 13 and over, excluding employees of the Promoter, their families, agents, suppliers, dealers or any other persons connected with this Promotion.

2. Promotion Period :

** 17 May 2022 up to and including 18 June 2022

3. To Enter :

** Buy a “Have a Light Moment” promotional combo meal at a participating Hot Dog Café Outlet (Excluding Wild Bean Café), go on to our Facebook page, and leave a comment on our wall telling us which outlet you bought the combo at, and you will entered into a draw to win a Coca Cola Branded Fridge, and 12 cases of Coke cool drinks.


4. By submitting personal information in connection with your entry, you are agreeing to the Promoter’s Privacy Policy and these terms and conditions.

5. By entering the Promotion, entrants consent for their entries to be used by the Promoter without further compensation and no additional consent needed, over and above the award of the prize if applicable, for up to three years from the date of closure of the Promotion, for promotional purposes to include publishing entries on the Hot Dog Café website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social media platforms.

6. All entries must be received before the end of the Promotion Period (23h59 18 June 2022) to be valid and no liability is accepted for illegible, incomplete or late entries. Bulk entries made from trade, consumer groups or third parties will not be accepted. Incomplete entries, entries submitted by or via third parties or syndicates, entries submitted by macros or other automated means, and entries which do not satisfy the requirements of these terms and conditions in full will be disqualified and will not be counted.

** If it becomes apparent that a participant is using a computer(s) to circumvent this condition by, for example, the use of ‘script’, ‘brute force’, masking their identity by manipulating IP addresses, using identities other than their own or any other automated means in order to increase that participant’s entries into the Promotion in a way that is not consistent with the spirit of the Promotion, that participant’s entries will be disqualified and any prize awarded will be void.

7. One entry for every purchase of the “Have a Light Moment” combo is permitted. Multiple entries are allowed, and the till slip must be kept as proof of purchase.

8. The Prize :

** Prize is a Coca Cola Branded Fridge and 12 cases of Coke cool drinks

9. Further Prize Details and Conditions: All queries with regards to faulty or damaged prizes need to be brought to the attention of the promoter in writing within 7 working days of receipt of the prize.


10. The Prize is non-transferable, is not exchangeable and has no cash or other alternative in whole or in part.

11. The Promoter reserves the right to offer an alternative Prize, of equal or greater value, should the advertised Prize become unavailable for reasons beyond their control.

12. The Promoter reserves the right to withdraw and/or cancel the Promotion at any time.

13. The Promoter reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.



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