
Gauteng Schools Online Applications 2023 is Open

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Gauteng Schools Online Applications 2023 is Open. Gauteng Department of Education has announced that the online applications for 2023 is now open. This year’s applications for Gauteng school admissions will be done in phases.


The Gauteng Department of Education has officially opened the online applications for 2023 Gauteng school admissions.

The first phase which is now open starts with the Grade 8 learners joining from Grade 7. This phase will close on 3 September.


The Gauteng Education spokesperson, Steve Mabona, said the phases approach was established to deal with the overcrowding of applications.

He added that the department will now be starting with pupils already in the Gauteng education system.

We already know the pupils they are in our system, and we call upon parents to ensure that the application details are correct.

Mabona said it’s difficult for the department to communicate with parents if contact details aren’t there or are incorrect. The contact details will assist the department to send links and messages for the applications process, said Mabona.

The Gauteng spokesperson added that parents will be sent links tomorrow which they can use to apply. If parents & guardians have not yet received an SMS, they can log into the website directly.


The second phase which will start on the 13th of September will open for grade 1 applications as well as grade 8 applicants who aren’t in the department’s system. Phase two applications is said to be closed on 8 October 2021.

These include those who aren’t from the province as well as those from private and independent schools.

Placements will take place between 15th October and November 30th.

Gauteng Education MEC, Panyaza Lesufi said there will be 47 walk-in centers across the province to assist those without access to the internet.


Mabona said the application process and placements are expected to be completed by November.

The department spokesperson added that by the December holidays, parents will be aware of where their children are placed.

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