
Excellence in Education Awards 2025 :

Excellence in Education Awards 2025 :

Organization : Excellence in Education Awards


Competition Name : Excellence in Education Awards 2025

Applicable For : Teachers & Students

Last Date : 16.09.2025


Excellence in Education Awards

The Excellence in Education Awards rewards educators and students who creatively use Apple technology to bring learning to life. The awards celebrate excellence in leading students to critical thinking, innovation and collaboration.

Related / Similar Awards : WCERA 2025

#COVID19 continues to present schools and their communities with unprecedented challenges. Overnight teachers and students have had to change the way they communicate, teach, learn, create, assess and collaborate. The awards celebrate how your creativity, combined with Apple technology has met today’s challenges.


** iTech

** #OurNewWorld

** App Development

** Artistic Excellence

** iTeacher


** iTeacher Inclusion

** Curriculum Challenge

How to Participate?

Submit your projects for the #OurNewWorld, App Development, Artistic Excellence or Curriculum challenge categories and stand a chance to win a R500 iStore voucher every month.

Challenge Details


Your Challenge :

What do you wish for in our world after the pandemic? What would you like to see in this new world? This is your opportunity to dream of that world.

The world is changing at a rapid rate because of the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean the future can’t be as bright as you dream it to be. Using Apple technology, we challenge you to showcase your hopes, dreams and aspirations.

Imagine all the possible changes to yourself, your family, jobs, friends, the world and the role you play in it. This category gives you the freedom to apply your creativity and imagination to bring your dreams to life for the world to see.

Judging Criteria :

1) Apple Technology has been used effectively (made full use of the different elements of the app, and the features of the device – Mac, iPad etc).

2) Message could not have been communicated effectively without Apple technology (redefinition rather than substitution).


3) Students may submit an artistic illustration or a video (max 4 min) to present their project.

4) Individual projects only


Your Challenge :

The pandemic has forced many shifts in teaching and learning. Remote and hybrid instruction has become more prevalent. With this in mind, it is essential that school tech teams have the right setup. Over the past year we have seen the important role that School IT teams play in ensuring that their students can continue to learn and their teachers can continue to teach.

The iTech challenge provides school IT teams with the opportunity to showcase school challenges, solutions, Apple technology deployment details and successes. Share with us the steps you have taken, with Apple technology solutions, to ensure teaching at your school has continued.

Judging Criteria :


1) Showcase how the Apple ecosystem (software/hardware/apps/services) has been used in your environment to create efficient delivery of teaching and learning.

2) School tech teams may submit either a video (max 4 min) or eBook (max 20 pages), whichever best meets the challenge to present their project.

3) Groups can be a maximum of 3 teachers/IT staff.

App Development

Your Challenge :

Coding continues to play an important and crucial role in our lives and in education.

The language of code provides you with the opportunity to be creative and innovative in the design of apps. Worldwide there is a huge demand for Computer Science graduates as well as the push for solving real world problems with the use of technology.


We challenge you to tap into your entrepreneurial skills to create an original, functioning app. We encourage you to use code to solve real world challenges whether they are personal or at home, at your school, your community or even the world.

Judging Criteria :

1) Creativity, innovation and originality of the app – apps that are merely clones of other apps will be ranked lower.

2) Productivity of the app and how it serves its purpose (usefulness).

3) Design, user interface and functionality of the mobile app.

4) Overall quality of the app.

5) Your entry must be accompanied by a PDF of a description (max 500 words) on why you created the app, its purpose and what problem it solves.

6) If the app was developed as a group, groups cannot exceed a maximum of 4 members.


Your Challenge :

The pandemic has forced many shifts in teaching and learning. Remote and hybrid instruction has become more prevalent. How have you used Apple technology to facilitate the shifts required? Has this been an opportunity to build new strategies that will continue long after the pandemic? What have your challenges, solutions and successes been? Share your journey with us.

The prestigious iTeacher category provides teachers with the opportunity to showcase how they have continued to redefine teaching and learning by using Apple Technology.


This is not a single curriculum-based project but rather demonstrates an on-going process and approach of innovation whether it’s online or in the classroom.

Judging Criteria :

1) Evidence that Apple Technology has redefined teaching and learning in a sustainable way.

2) Apple Technology has been used effectively (hardware and appropriate apps).

3) Evidence that it is not an isolated project but an ongoing process and approach of innovation in teaching.

4) Evaluation on the impact of development of innovation and creativity regarding students is included and reflected upon.

5) Teachers may submit either a video (max 4 min) or eBook (max 20 pages), whichever best meets the challenge to present their project.

6) Teacher groups can be a maximum of 3 teachers.


Great prizes: iPads for teachers | Beats EP for winning students.

Last Date

All entries to be submitted on by 16 September 2025.


For further information, support, ideas or inspiration please contact: awards [AT]



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