
Beacon mmmMallows Volume Drive Gift Voucher Competition 2022

Beacon mmmMallows Volume Drive Gift Voucher Competition 2022

Organization : Beacon

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Competition Name : mmmMallows Volume Drive Gift Voucher Competition 2022

Applicable For : South African Resident

Last Date : 21.10.2022


Beacon mmmMallows Volume Drive Gift Voucher Competition

mmmMallows Volume Drive Gift Voucher Competition 2022 is promoted by Tiger Consumer Brands Limited.


Promotion Period

“Promotion Period” means the period starting on 16 September 2022, and closing on 21 October 2022, at 23h 59. No late entries will be accepted;


** The Participant must be;

i. a natural person and may not be a juristic person;

ii. 18 (eighteen) years or older; and

iii. a permanent resident or citizens of the Republic of South Africa.

** No director, employee, agent or consultant of the Promotor(s), or their spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members, or the supplier of goods and services in connection with this Promotional Competition may participate in this Promotional Competition.


How to Enter?

To enter this Promotional Competition Participants must follow the prompts on the weekly competition post shared by the official Beacon account on Instagram and / or Facebook (

Week 1 : Entrants must share a picture of their perfectly toasted mmmMallow marshmallow and a pack of 150g (one hundred and fifty grams) or 400g (four hundred grams) Beacon Pink and White mmmMallows; under the Beacon competition post on either Facebook or Instagram.

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Week 2 : Entrants must share their favourite pink or white emoji under the Beacon competition post on either Facebook or Instagram.

Week 3 : Entrants must share a photograph of them and their #mmmMallowsmmmMoment, with a pack of 150g (one hundred and fifty grams) or 400g (four hundred grams) Beacon Pink and White mmmMallows, under the Beacon competition post on Facebook.

Week 4 : Entrants must share a video of them, showing their moves with a pack of 150g (one hundred and fifty grams) or 400g (four hundred grams) Beacon Pink and White mmmMallows on Instagram.


@BeaconTreats must be tagged in this video and the hashtag #mmmMovewithmmmMallows must be used. Video entries must be between 10 and 60 seconds long.

Beacon reserves the right to disqualify any videos showing lewd, inappropriate, obscene, illegal or explicit behaviour.


1. 8 (eight) lucky Participants stand a chance to win

** 1 (one) Apple Store Voucher worth R10 000.00 (ten thousand Rands);

** 1 (one) of 3 (three) R5 000.00 (five thousand Rands) Makro vouchers each;

** 1 (one) Pick n Pay voucher worth R1 000.00 (one thousand Rands);


** 1 (one) of 3 (three) R500.00 (five hundred Rands) Sorbet vouchers each

2. A Participant may only win 1 (one) Prize for the duration of the Promotional Competition

Winner Selection

** There will be 8 (eight) Winners selected.

** The Winners may be required to sign a waiver of liability and indemnity before claiming their Prizes.

** All Winners will be required to provide their names, ID numbers and contact details and to sign an acknowledgement of receipt of the Prize.


For further information or enquiries please email consumer services at tigercsd [AT] or call us on 0860 005 342. Calls to this number will be charged by your cellular network service provider.

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